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19755 East Pikes Peak Ave, Suite 101, Parker, CO 80138

19755 East Pikes Peak Ave, Suite 101, Parker, CO 80138

Entity Tax Return Checklist

(c corporations, s corporations, partnerships, LLCs, trusts, estates, non-profits, foundations)

Read through the following list as a reminder of what may be needed to complete your tax return.  Check with us and we can let you know exactly which of the following pertains to your return(s). 


  •  Financial statements (or data backups – not copies–“accountant copies” are ok – of Sage 50 or QuickBooks or Quicken files)(these can be uploaded to your portal folder – give us a call and we will explain how or you can drop them off or mail them to us)
  • General ledger and list of journal entries (if we don’t get a data backup)
  • Bank statements and reconciliations, especially year end December 2023 and January 2024
  • Check registers
  • Investment account statements
  • Aging reports for receivables and payables
  • List of assets purchased/sold/disposed of during the year – include bills of sale/purchase
  • Notes, leases – amortization schedules, new note contracts
  • Payroll reports for all 4 quarters, and year end
  • Any Changes in Ownership or Capital Structure—ie list of new shareholders/partners with equity contributions
  • Trust documents
  • Partnership/LLC operating agreements
  • For nonprofits and foundations – change in board members; change in mission; list of significant donors; description of activities for the year.